Should you wish to meet any of these candidates, please email the relevant consultant.
Should you wish to meet any of these candidates, please email the relevant consultant.
Should you wish to meet any of these candidates, please email the relevant consultant.
[2 min read] When accepting a job offer, you need to be informed so that you are not short-changed. It is very important to have a clear understanding of the various salary terms used.
Should you wish to meet any of these candidates, please email the relevant consultant.
[2 min read] As a creative the quality of your portfolio plays an essential role in determining the future of your career. It is a hiring manager’s first port of call (together with the CV) and is considered a direct reflection of the breadth of your experience, your output and your skills.
Should you wish to meet any of these candidates, please email the relevant consultant.
[2 min read] The differences between design and development actually lead to more of a discussion around frontend and backend web work. Let’s start with the frontend…
[3 min read] We spend 11 and-a-half months of the year looking forward to spending time with family and loved ones.
As an art director, my title misleads people into thinking that I take home a hefty managerial wage. It gets more confusing when I try to define my line of work since what follows is often a request to explain the difference between graphic design and art direction.
[3 min read] A Content Writer and a Copywriter is the same thing, right? They both write words used in online and offline content, so surely they’re just fancy names for what is essentially a writer?
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